Architectural Review Committee
Lake Geneva Manor Association Architectural Review Committee (LGMARC) Building and Development Information
This page has the steps of what to do, and the guidelines to follow as well as about the ARC.
The Association Board created the Architectural Review Committee (LGMARC), its guidelines, and a process to promote communication amongst neighbors and maintain the Manor Association neighborhood’s unrivaled community and feel. This is not a cookie-cutter community. Each residence has its own distinctive architectural style and design. The Manor Association has 124 lots and 82 unique dwellings.
The Lake Geneva Manor Association was developed in 1926, before the City of Lake Geneva (City) created its current building codes and zoning. LGMARC guidelines may differ from current City code and zoning but Association Members are strongly encouraged to take them into consideration while creating construction projects. The City Building and Zoning Department enforces the City code and should be involved in any construction project. Permits are required for most projects. Many additions/new construction require City forms and variances from existing building codes. Water quality and runoff are significant issues. Approval by the City may take up to 2-3 months or longer and may require the hiring of architects, civil engineers, lawyers, surveyors and other specialists.
In addition to minding the posted LGMARC guidelines, LGMARC encourages Association Members to prioritize the following items during their construction projects:
Update and notify neighbors/LGMARC regarding delays/amendments/additions;
Maintain the height from the ground to the peak of tallest structure to 32 feet or less (Association
tallest homes, lower than city code);
Do not worsen existing drainage or water runoff issues;
Ensure builders cleanup adequately and promptly.
When staring any project
Please download the forms to follow LGMA Process & Procedures
Required forms to submit to ARC
Construction Timeline Downloadable file here
Lake Geneva Manor Association Architectural Review Committee (LGMARC) Procedural Construction Checklist
LGMARC procedural construction checklist for LGMARC and Association Member to manage timelines, expectations, and neighborhood harmony.
Association Member notifies LGMARC/Board of construction plans. Date: _________________________
LGMARC sends Association Member LGMARC Construction Form. Date: _________________________
Association Member submits completed LGMARC Construction Form with its requested contents to LGMARC no later than 14 days before plans are presented to the City of Lake Geneva Plan Commission.
Date: _________________________ -
LGMARC reviews submitted LGMARC Construction Form and its requested contents and communicates with Association Member, as necessary.
Date: _________________________ -
LGMARC issues letter to Plan Commission. Date: _________________________
The Lake Geneva Manor Association Board of Directors, on June 17, 2006,
approved the formation of the Lake Geneva Manor Association
Homeowner Architectural Review Committee (LGMARC).
The goals of the committee are many, but include maintaining the
neighborhood feel and neighborly relationships, working with the builder
and the City Plan Commission (CPC) and City Council and City Staff.
In July, 2013, the Board of Directors assumed the role and responsibilities
of the Architectural Committee. Members of the Association going
before the City Plan Commission should provide neighbors within
300 feet with plans prior to approaching the LGMARC.
The Board of Directors may choose to support, oppose or not comment on actions being proposed to the CPC based upon the plans submitted, the written feedback from its members and its experience with similar proposals. CPC meetings are held on the third Monday of the month. Information must be received by the Board no less than three weeks in advance of the relevant CPC meeting.
(revised 09/26/2016)
1. Lot Size: the typical single lot in the Manor is zoned ER-1 and will typically require a conditional use variance to be treated as a SR-4 lot for most construction:
• 50% Green space minimum
• 40% Building foot print for residence and garage
• 10% Hard Space for driveway, sidewalks, accessory buildings
2. Height: Limited to 32 feet highest point of any roof
3. Maximum total area living floor space: 35% of total lot area
• Wall Height at change of exterior: at any residential building exterior wall elevation, when a knee wall (a wall height from the top of the building foundation wall to the underside of the interior first floor structural floor jousts) exceeds 3 feet in or 36 inches in height and has window openings used for access, views or ventilation purposes, the lower level basement room or open area serviced by these window openings, shall be considered actual living areas and will be included in the overall required 35% maximum total living floor space.
4. Set backs are based upon city zoning code 98-402: (based upon SR-4 zoning – these the minimums required):
• Street side: 25 Ft
• Side yard: 6 Ft minimum
• Total both side lots lines to house/garage: 15 Ft
• Rear yard: 30 Ft
5. Fences may require a city building permit and are regulated by the city zoning code 98-720. Those planning on adding a fence should provide the relevant information to the adjacent neighbors and the LGMARC (Board of Directors)
• Fences over 30” must be of acceptable materials
• Fences on the street side must be a minimum of 60% opaque unless a conditional use variance is granted
• No fence, landscape wall, or decorative post shall be located closer than 2 feet to the front yard or street yard property line. Fences may be located on any property line abutting a side or rear yard.
• Maximum Height:
• The maximum height of any fence, landscape wall, or decorative post shall be the following:
Fences in excess of 36" tall shall not be permitted within a required yard setback, including street front yard, street side yard, and street rear yard, except with the granting of a conditional use permit per Section 98-905. (Ord. No. 98-11 11/9/98) 6 feet when located on any residentially zoned property, but not within a required front yard setback or a required street yard setback; and 8 feet when located on any non-residentially zoned property, but not within a required front yard or a required street yard, except that security fences may exceed this height.
• Orientation: Any and all fences, landscape walls, or decorative posts shall be erected so as to locate visible supports and other structural components toward the subject property.
• Maintenance: Any and all fences, landscape walls, or decorative posts shall be maintained in a structurally sound and attractive manner.
• Swimming Pools: Fencing for swimming pools shall be provided per the Model Swimming Pool Enclosure Code established by the National Spa and Pool Institute (NSPI), which is available from the City Public Works Department.
6. For houses torn down or replaced for any reason:
• Should be replaced with a house that fits within the general foot print of the house torn down and generally comply with the above standards.
• Complete engineer certified drainage analysis
• Soil erosion protection plan
• Final grade plan
• Final landscape plan, including, if any, trees removed for construction to be replaced on property.
• Residence elevations, material and color scheme
• No detached garages (this is a deed restriction)
• Builder to clean streets after excavation and other related work
7. All new residence construction, new additions, garages, accessory buildings, second story additions, plans shall be presented to the LGMARC 30 days before any City Plan Commission presentation.
8. The homeowner should provide the same information to neighbors within 300 feet of the lot. The LGMARC requires a correct set of building plans for the construction project, certified and sealed, by a professional architect and/or engineer.