Minutes of Lake Geneva Manor Association Meeting July 9, 2011
(Approved 2012)
President, Jay Kleinman, called the meeting to order at 3:10 p.m. A moment of silence was observed for deceased members who died within the last year: Tina Poulos, Kay Mancini, and Neal Bergman. Jay introduced Committee Members, Wayne Reuter (Parks), David Frost (Architectural Review), Maryann McCullough (treasures), Bob Nordhaus (Boat Pier), Mike McNerney (Member at Large) and Tykee Green (secretary).
Introduction of New Members: Terry Martino, Anne See, Ben & Nichol Johnston, Richard Layman, Pat Federico, and Rick and Kathy Hempel.
A Motion to suspend the readings of last year’s minutes was accepted and approved as submitted.
Jay referred members to look at the website for copies of all pertinent Manor information. He also asked that members contact the Board through email or regular mail regarding their concerns.
TREASURER: went over the handout of the budget. The dues were lowered to $200 per lot. Everyone has paid except for one property which has a lien on it. The prosed Budget for next year was discussed. Pete Peterson mad a motion to accept the budget as presented. It was seconded and approved by voice vote.
PARKS: The proposed budget for the swim pier increased as another crib will be replaced (approximate cost $4200). Wayne urged members to put garbage and recycling in the correct containers by the street. No glass allowed on the piers. Golf Carts should be parked at the top of the park, on the west side away from the lake shore path.John Swanson was thanked for his consistent watering and maintenance of the beautiful pier pots.
BOAT PIER: Thank you to Bob, Pete, Jack Shaffer and Dave Williams for successfully registering our piers with the DNR. This registration secures our piers for the future. Fees for the coming year: $750 for slips, the same as last year. Balance in the account is $11,353. Two new regulations were approved: For slip partnerships, both names must appear on the Wisconsin Title registered with the DNR. Also, a member on the Waiting List may submit his or her name to be on the Boat Pier Committee.
NEW BUSINESS: A response by the Manor lawyer, Dave Williams, to Jim Cooney, a member of the Matustik family who recently made a request to run for the Board. David Williams addressed the issue regarding the ability of a “family member” as opposed to an “actual owner” or part of a limited partnership running for the Board. He pointed to our By-laws which are very precise in that regard. One cannot just appoint a representative of a family, unless the By-laws are amended to clarify who is eligible to hold office. Cooney did not remove himself from the ballot but was not allowed to run.
The election of officers was held. Bob Nordhaus, Wayne Reuter, and Tykee Green were reelected and Rich Pucci became the new Board Member.
Dick Sievert addressed the issue of parking on the street by the park. They July 4th holiday produced overwhelming amount of traffic and parking problems by the Park. Georgi Kleiman suggested parking on one side of the street. Temporary signs were also mentioned for the holidays. Ruth Monico wanted residents to contact their alderman. David said that he would contact our two alderman and it would be discussed at a Board Meeting.
Bill Jones wants privacy signs on the pier updated. Trudy Krinner wanted signs posted saying “Manor Residents Only.” She said several groups without member connections were using the park over the July 4thweekend.
Pete wanted the dissolution of the Architectural Review Committee to be put on the next year’s agenda. He made a motion and it was seconded by Jim Springer. It will be discussed and voted on in due course. Frank Green suggested checking on why it originated in the first place.
Bob Schorsch made a motion to store shore stations in the park. It was seconded, discussed and voted down unanimously.
Marcie Hollmann made a special thank you to the board for all of our work.
Joan Thompson made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Dan Moritz, and the meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m.
Submitted by Tykee Green