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Saturday July 9, 2016


(Approved at the Annual meeting on July 8, 2017)

 The meeting was called to order at 3: 16 pm by President, Wayne Reuter

Wayne welcomed all of the residents to the meeting, introduced himself as President and said he hoped everyone had received the info provided at the sign-in table.

40 homeowners were represented along with 6 proxies, which constituted a quorum.

Wayne thanked everyone for coming and stated it was a great turn out, one of the best we have had.  He asked for a moment of silence in memory of the passing of Marilyn Matustik.  He also welcomed new members/homeowners; The Birks, Zimmermans,  Garrels,  Guagliardos,  Nick and Sarah who have rented Dawn Mancusos’ house and the McNerney/Longnecker family.

Wayne reminded everyone that the Manor Association does have a website where last year’s meeting minutes were posted and were also available at the sign-in table.

Paul Sepe motioned to approve the 2015 Annual Meeting minutes with a second by Joan Thompson.  All were in favor with no nays, motion was approved.

Wayne introduced the board members -  David Frost- Vice President/ARC, Bob Nordhaus- Boat Pier committee, Tykee Green- Treasurer, Tom Nickols- Park and Grounds, Sarah McConnell- social/events and Paula Pezza-Secretary.

Wayne said it was very exciting to see the great attendance and participation along with so many children and grandchildren and reminded everyone to please park their golf carts in the designated area, sideways, for safety purposes.


He also reminded everyone there is to be NO food or drink in sand area to prevent bugs, broken glass etc.  He also pointed out a new sign was posed in that area to remind everyone  of no food drinks or glass at all in beach area for safety purposes.

Wayne stated that with so many children using our swim and beach area, while we do have a lifeguard, there have been several incidents where the kids have had no parental supervision.  The Water Safety Patrol requires children under 10 be supervised by adult and that the Life guard is NOT a babysitter.

Andy Kerwin said our website says “with responsible adult” but wondered if it should be clarified to say a parent, or 18 and over?  Wayne said yes, the supervisor must be 18 or over. The Life guard is there for safety not to babysit. We don’t want to lose our ability to utilize the WSP life guards.

Dogs or cats are NOT allowed on beach or swim pier and must be on a leash and be picked up after. Please remind others of this if you see it happening. He asked to please use the garbage and recycling bins at the park only for Park debris not personal use. They do fill up fast so if you can take your items home and avoid over filling it would be appreciated.

Wayne thanked the board members for spending their time to keep things nice and the Manor desirable. He said it is a  great area and we all work to keep it that way.

He also thanked Barb Phillipps and Jack & Joan Schafer for their coffees in the park which are a big hit and very nice.

He thanked David Williams for his many years of free advice and counsel. David has retired and we thank him for all the years of help to the Manor.

Wayne thanked the Scotney’s, the owners of Oak Fire for providing us last year with delicious food that was a bit hit.

Wayne mentioned that 2 tix to the WSP cocktail party will be drawn at the end of our meeting for the event next weekend, one entry per househould over 21 and winner must be able to attend next Sunday.

Tykee Green: Treasurer/ Budget Report-

Tykee relayed that the dues for next year will remain unchanged and reminded everyone the report was provided at the sign-in table and  asked if all had a chance to review and if there were any questions or discussion.  Joe Read asked what the legal fees in the budget were for next year and why doubled for park expenses.

Wayne responded that Dave Williams used to do the work for free but we will need to pay going forward.  He said that Tom would explain during his park presentation what the extra charges were. Wayne mentioned dues will be the same and will not increase this year.

Wayne asked of there were any other questions?  There were none and Pete Peterson motioned to accept the budget as presented and Marci Hollmann seconded.  Before a vote was taken, Andy Kerwin asked Tom to explain before accepting rather than wait for the Park presentation.

Tom said maintenance goes in cycles – part of last year and this year we had masonry work to repair columns, we purchased new chairs and improved the swim area.  Last year we replaced mercury lights with downward lights, we did rewiring but won’t have that cost for 20 years as well as with posts.  The same applies with the cribs, sea wall repairs, replaced stairs in swim area and added hand rail. He said there was a needed maintenance in order to keep up our grounds.

Joan Thompson asked who was doing maintenance around trees because putting mulch around base of tree is killing trees and suggested telling landscapers to stop doing that. Tom Said that was true and he would remind the landscapers of that.

Louise Frost asked what is protocol for the use of chairs?  If people leave towels and move chairs are people allowed to move those towels and use the chair? Is it ok to move things around since we never supplied chairs before.

Tom replied, Greg Licht donated chairs last year and we needed new ones so we thought it would be nice to supply nice new chairs for residents to use.  If someone left a towel or the chair looks available, use your judgement and be neighborly in your decision.

Wayne – asked if all were in favor of budget after discussion and questions ended. All were in favor, no nays, budget passed.

Tom Nickols – Parks & Grounds-

Tom said Spring clean -up day was a way to keep costs under control and our 2nd annual clean- up day was a huge success with over 30 people attending. He thanked everyone for their help planting and cleaning.  The same Saturday of each year will be our annual spring clean- up day. The Fall clean -up will be announced and will also provide donuts and coffee.

He mentioned the new sign for no food or drinks in the swim area and the beautiful pots Pesches did.

Joan Thompson said the swim area keeps shrinking. When lots of kids and floats are used the area seems to get smaller.  Tom said it really isn’t shrinking but when things get blown by wind swim area gets smaller. Nothing has changed as to where it is anchored.  Georgi Kliman said she thinks where it is attached is making swim area smaller and asked if we can move it.   Tom said we have less buoy markers but they may be laid out differently.

Andy Kerwin, asked if our swim area is maxed out, can we make it larger?

Tom said he was not sure but we can look in to it. Tom suggested a swim area committee to see if we can reconfigure the area.

Tom mentioned that the flower pots need to be watered every day.  He named people who volunteered to take a week to water.  He said we need more volunteers and asked anyone interested to put their name on the sign-up sheet provided.

Tom spoke about reserving the Park for private parties. He said there are 7 reserved so far this summer. If anyone wants to reserve the Park they must provide a written email to Tom,  first come first served.

He stated the July seaweed treatment will happen and asked to please pick up trash if you see any to keep the park area looking pretty.

Kim Martino asked about seaweed and if anything could be done to remove it.  Tom said they do spray it with seaweed killer to help reduce seaweed in swim area.

Tom Langer said he is reserving the park on 8/7 for first time ever.  He said if he is reserving park he feels like he is excluding rest of residents. His thought is for exclusive use of the park, we should have a charge to give as a donation to the association since we are denying others use. Tom corrected him saying that the park is not closed down and others can still be around and use the area. Tom said we don’t need to charge a fee.

Sue Alter asked if anyone has used weed cutter in the deep water swim area. Tom said they have but the hauling off of the seaweed is expensive.  Tom said its a couple thousand dollars to do. Sue asked how long it would last. Pete Peterson said a year but if you cut it, it grows faster. He said they did a pulling several years ago so the hauling is the problem.  The City will not pick it up so now disposal is an issue.

Tom asked if there was an interest in pursuing this further, Sarah McConnell suggested getting an estimate.  Tom said we could do that.

David Frost – reported on the ARC.

David said there are 121 lots with 81 residents in the Manor.  He said the Irussi’s received approval for their new house with a pool and work has begun and is expected to take a year to complete.  There will be work on Lakeview Dr because they are doing remediation to reduce run off of water and drainage issues.

He reported that the Kaisers installed a new deck with a covered area and a new front porch and that a new stop sign was installed on Lakeview Dr to help slow down the traffic.

He mentioned that the plumbing in the city is getting old and we will notice our water and sewer bill going up to cover the cost of replacing pipes.

He also mentioned that the Kennessey home is still in progress and the Meyers are finishing with a deck. David said the only house currently for sale is Dave Williams’.

David said that coming back to the idea of having lots of kids in the subdivision again, one of the reasons for ARC is to keep the neighborhood nice and encourage neighbors to talk to one another about impact of houses.

He said that an issue about fences was brought to the Board’s attention and the board will review the issue and report back to the membership.

Jack Schafer said he noticed underground burying going on in the Manor and was wondering if the city is going to continue to do that. David replied that nothing official had been determined yet.

Marcie Hollmann questioned the huge builder sign on corner and asked if there was a city limit to the size?

David Frost said he would inquire with city.  There were no more questions

Bob Nordhaus–  Boat Pier:

He said the Pier is in and that our Manor pier goes in first and comes out last since we have been working with them so well over the years. He said we have kept the same fee over past 2 years which allows for buildup in case of damage or repairs needed.  He said that all the boat /pier information is on website.


Paula Pezza Secretary– asked all to be sure to sign in and make sure their infomation is correct and to please provide email addresses.  She said they will not be shared but we do use them for urgent messages or reminders. If anyone had a change to be made to please see her after the meeting.

Sarah McConnell/ social – Sarah said they will inflate the bounce house and start games soon and at  5:30 the grill will start and at 7:30 music will start. She hoped everyone would enjoy it.

Wayne Reuter– Old Business-  Wayne reinforced how important it is to slow down for our kids.

New business – Pete Peterson said the stop sign has not worked, people still speed,  please slow down.

Wayne Reuter – election of BOD – He said that Paula Pezza,  Tom Nickols  and  David Frost agreed to run again and asked if anyone else would like to run or nominate anyone.  No one responded.

Pete Peterson motioned to accept with voice vote.  Barb Phillips second – all were in favor. No nays, BOD was approved.

Wayne Reuter – reminded everyone to fill out for the raffle tix after the meeting.

Pete Peterson motioned to adjourn with a second by Rich Kotty.  All were in favor, no nays.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:58 pm

Respectfully submitted by,

Paula Pezza

LG Manor Secretary



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