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Saturday July 12, 2014


(Approved 2015)


The meeting was called to order at 3:09 pm by President, David Frost.  The following Board members were present: Wayne Reuter; Vice President, Tykee Green; Treasurer, Paula Pezza; Secretary, Bob Nordhaus; Boat Pier, Tom Nickols; Grounds, Dawn Marie Mancuso; Entertainment, along with Dave Williams; Manor Attorney.

Forty-one members were present (including Board members) and thirteen appropriately executed proxies were received.  This constituted a quorum.

David Frost reminded all that we have a Manor website and that he added a new tab with new information to it. He asked that if anyone has an issue to address, that they do so in letter form by U.S.mail. He pointed out there was a sign-in sheet and 30 members needed to be present along with the proxies to have a quorum and we do have a quorum.

He also mentioned there are 81 homes and 124 lots in the Manor subdivision and that the By-laws lay out the order of the meeting, which begins with a roll call and introduction of new members.

He welcomed the new members: Jeff & Jen Heaton, The Kenneseys, Joe & Jen Read, Tom & Marya Gibbons and the Powells.

He mentioned that the Meyers are still planning to build a new home next to the Forbes house.

He introduced the Board, all were present.

David informed the members that Dick Seversen, a previous Manor resident had passed away and that Ann Michuda is seriously ill and will not be returning to her home.

David asked everyone to look at the minutes from the 2013 Annual meeting which were presented in hard copy at the meeting and also on the Manor website.

Pete Peterson made a motion to accept the minutes as presented and Joan Thompson seconded, motion carried.

Committee Reports:

Boat Pier, Buoy & Ramps by Bob Nordhaus-

He noted all members were provided with an updated list of assignments and a wait list and that it was very self-explanatory.  He said the finances were raised a bit and it all went toward maintenance and that he worked with Kelly, who made a deal with Pete Peterson years back, if the Manor paid on time every year, he would make us first in and last out, which has worked very well.  He said that since 2006, we have had improvement work done and are in good shape and we need to watch for any rotting wood and will keep things in A-1 shape.  Bill Jones asked if the balance of $23,000 was a reserve. Bob said no, there are still some outstanding bills and will end up being more like $11,000, which is an ok amount.

Grounds by Tom Nickols –

Tom stated the sand on the beach was replaced and reminded all that no food or drinks were allowed in the sand area and asked everyone to do their share to keep it clean.  He mentioned that Greg and Kelly Licht donated 4 Adirondack chairs to the beach area and thanked them. He also thanked Janet Nickols and John Swanson for their hard work planting and keeping up the beautiful flower pots.  Tom thanked Pete for the new Kayak step and reminded everyone to park their golf carts in the SW corner of the park only. He pointed out the new signs and reminded all that the Park cannot be reserved for private use on Memorial Day, July 4th, Venetian Days or Labor Day and must be requested in writing to the Board.  He informed members that the swim area was treated for seaweed and asked to please pick up after your dogs and keep the park area clean.  He thanked Janet Nickols for the lovely Christmas decoration at the front entrance and asked to also keep the piers clean, especially from worms. Tom spoke of the Geneva Lakes Association fundraiser for a fire boat. He informed members that the Manor donated $100 and it should be on the lake by next Spring and there is still time to make individual donations.  Tom pointed out the new signs for the Park & Pier which state they are for resident use only.  David Frost reminded all that the lifeguards are not babysitters and to please not leave your children unattended at the swim area.

Treasurer Report – Tykee Green-

Tykee asked members to take a look at the report that was provided and if there were any questions. She pointed out that a projection was made to replace the cribs on the swim pier for about $6,000 which brings the number to $15,000. There were no questions – Pete Peterson made a motion to approve the budget, Joan Thompson seconded, motion carried.

Entertainment/Picnic Report by Dawn Marie Mancuso-

Dawn said the picnic this year was more family oriented and there would be face painting, an antique fire truck and a bike parade. She informed the members that the band canceled due to the storms and that we would have a chef from Celebrations for BBQing and some side dishes would be provided and to bring your own drinks and a dish to pass. David Frost thanked Dawn and mentioned that new ideas are always welcomed.

Board elections- David announced that this year 2 seats were up for election being David Frost and Tom Nickols.  He stated they would both run again and asked if anyone else were interested, which no one was.  Joan Thompson motioned to vote in David and Tom, Pete Peterson seconded, motion carried.

New Business –

Dan Moritz stated he would like canopies on the slips and asked what the members thought. Marcie Hollman said they would block the view and Tykee Green said the idea was brought up in the past and voted down.  Barb Phillips asked how high they would be and Jay Kleiman said we would lose a lot of our view and that they also catch hooks and asked what style they would be.  Don Rutkowski asked who would pay for them.  David Frost suggested the board would further explore the idea and get some information for further discussion.

David Frost mentioned that Greg Licht added some up-lighting to some trees at the park and Greg thought it would be a good idea to have all the park trees lit. David said the Board could also explore that idea.  Steve Phelps mentioned a parking problem in the manor and asked to place a new sign at the Manor entrance that says No Public Beach/ Private Subdivision.  Jim Wojcik asked to also put a sign that says Stop, this is not Big Foot beach, from Memorial Day to Labor day.  MaryAnn McCullough reminded everyone that the City does not pick up yard waste. Georgie Kleiman reminded everyone that boat trailers should not be parked in yards and one of her neighbors has one in their yard. 

David Frost informed members that the City has a website that addresses these issues and also mentioned sidewalk snow shoveling and parking stickers.

Jim McCullough brought up the issue of people renting homes in the Manor and how do we get the City to enforce the code? He referenced a newspaper article which he provided the Board a copy of regarding rental problems.  Dave Williams explained that he has met with and exchanged ideas with the City but there has not been any follow through. He said the residents need to let the Mayor and Aldermen know how they feel and  this is obviously not on their list of priorities. Jim McCullough mentioned a petition, Tykee Green stated that we already tried that.  Pete Peterson suggested getting a big group of residents to go to the City Council meetings and speak in order to get things done. He said the Committee of the Whole meetings were on the first Monday and the Council meetings were the second and fourth Monday.  Dave Williams agreed and said it would be on TV and that we have been asking the City to do something for 2 years. Marcie Hollman added if we would like to be on the agenda we had to give at least a 24 hour notice.

David Frost reminded all that the by-laws were changed at the 2012 meeting to say that renters of less than 90 days have no rights to our park & piers.  If they are renting more than 90 days they can apply for use if proper documents listed in by-laws were provided.

David also mentioned that the ARC now consists of Board members and that one new home was being proposed to be built by the Kennessey family and that a survey was sent to the neighbors and their plans would be going to the Plan Commission soon for approval.  David also mentioned that Susan Crowley was supposed to be submitting a plan for a porch addition but has not yet.  He said that eight properties changed hands in the past two years and properties are moving and developing in the Manor.

Bill Jones asked about the Rule of Renting in the Manor. He referred to the wording in the by-laws and asked if the Secretary had been provided with the required information per the by-laws.  David Frost responded that neither rental has done so and that he recently sent a letter to Mr. DeRosa.  He explained we are currently trying to control what we own and have the sign-in sheet at the pier in order to check on who is using our property and we will evaluate this new process. Bill Jones then asked if the by-laws mean anything and are we enforcing them and that the City needs to enforce their codes.

Jay Kleiman asked if the renters use was not considered trespassing. Dave Williams said it is and is  a matter of enforcement. He explained the 90 day rule in the by-laws.

Georgie Kleiman stated it is incumbent of the board and the residents to enforce our by- laws and this is our property for Manor residents only and the board has a responsibility.

Tom Nickols said that this goes even above and beyond renters, that is why we have new signage for awareness and now that it is posted anyone can question someone they do not recognize and it may even be a way to meet a new neighbor.  If someone is in violation then we can deal with them.

Robert and Susan Wolter commented, by proxy: “strongly against renters in house at end of Orchard lane and their use of the Manor Beach and piers. Owner should be fined!”

Dave Williams added that a short term renter is not allowed use, period and if no lease if provided they cannot have use of the park area.

Bob Nordhaus stated we have called the police in the past to enforce.
David Frost suggested we could adjourn or have another meeting on this subject.


Marcie Hollman mentioned the Lake Geneva Beautification Committee was raising funds to build a new Music Pavilion and that if anyone was interested in helping she had information.

Pete Peterson motioned to adjourn, Dan Moritz seconded, motion carried,

Meeting was adjourned at 3:52pm.
Respectfully submitted,

Paula Pezza/ Manor Secretary

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