Annual Lake Geneva Manor Membership Meeting July 14, 2012
The Meeting was called to order at 3:15 p.m. By President, Jay Kleinman. All Board members were present: Maryann McCullough, Treasurer; Wayne Reuter, Parks and Swim Pier; Bob Nordhaus, Boat Pier; David Frost, Architectural Review; Rich Pucci, Annual Party; Tykee Green, Secretary; plus, Manor Attorney, Dave Williams.
Forty Families were present, and this constituted a quorum.
The Board was introduced after which all of the members introduced themselves and stated their address. A motion was made and seconded to accept the Minutes of Last Year’s meeting and it carried unanimously by voice vote.
Treasurer:Maryann reviewed the budget. The board decided to raise the dues from $200 to $250 per lot. Jim Springer made a motion to accept the budget as presented, it was seconded by Marcie Hollmann and the motion carried.
Swim Pier: Wayne explained that damaged cribs were replaced at the cost of $6,500, accounting for the increase in this year’s spending. He also said that no additional swim pier expenses are anticipated for the next year.
Parks: Extra money was spent with Fine Gardens to improve the Manor entry gardens. Park snow plowing expenses were down because of the mild winter weather. Several pier planters were replaced, and new beach sand was delivered. The sprinklers will not run six days a week due to the excessive heat. Reservations are required if you plan a party in the park, and this can be down by emailing Wayne Reuter. Members using the Park for parties are requested to use garbage receptacles from their own homes to eliminate the overflowing of the receptacle which the Manor has at the Park. Golf carts are to be parked on the west side of the park. Cones and “No Parking” signs will be put in place for the four major summer holidays (Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day and Venetian Night). Please note that glass containers and fishing are strictly prohibited on the swim pier. Don Blonda called attention to the chipped paint and slivers on the raft. Pete said we are going to stain the raft instead of painting. Barb Phillips wants to move the garbage cans to the sides of the park, but it was decided that the trash receptacles were necessary and should remain where they currently are.
Boat Pier:Bob reported a balance of over $11,000. The boat slip assignments and waiting list are posted on the Manor website and are updated each spring. Members are asked to refer to this site. Paula Pezza wanted to know if a member who does not have a pier slip assigned is allowed to tie up their boat the end of the boat pier every weekend for a number of hours making it very difficult for another sip holder to drop off or pick up persons. Pete Peterson is going to talk to the member involved.
New Business:Several members, including Bill Jones and Dave Pezza voiced concern that a manor house was being rented out by the day to large groups who also use the Manor Park and Pier. It was further noted that the house at 1551 Orchard Lane, owned by Chuck Barranco, was in fact listed on the website “Home Away” and is for rent by the day or weekend ( at this time, the house is listed on at least two websites)
And see:
Short-term rentals are in violation of City Zoning Ordinances. Jay state the at the Board had already drafted and signed a letter addressed to the Mayor, City Attorney and Council Members, requesting that the City enforce the applicable zoning laws. Delivered the issue was then opened to the membership for further discussion. Terry Maritno said we should get an injunction against this use as the Manor is not zoned for commercial enterprise. Chuck Barranco then spoke. He claimed he was unaware of the neighbors’ disapproval. It was note that the Building inspector state that Chuck had been notified that these rentals were illegal. Bob Sschorsch made a motion that the By-laws be amended to not allow rentals for less than 6 months. Don Rutkowski seconded the motion and opened it for discussion. Pete suggested a minimal rental period of 30 days in order to be consistent with the Lake Geneva City Ordinances. Bob accepted amending the minimal period to 90 days. Jim Springer noted the Manor could not change the laws of the City of Lake Geneva, and that the motion needed to be amended.
Our attorney, Dave Williams, then addressed the issue. Mr. Williams state that the discussion concerns private property rights. We are limited because the original Manor By-laws do not define a minimal rental period. If there is a violation of city zoning laws however, it is possible that a fine of up to $1,000/day might be levied. Dave said that if public outrage is significant, it would put pressure on City Hall to follow through and enforce the zoning laws. Remedies are available, pressure can be applied, but we have to rely on the city to enforce the zoning ordinances. We could, however, change the Manor By-laws to prohibit renters from using the park and the piers. That is within our jurisdiction. Bob amended his motion to say that any party who rents a home for less than 9- days would have no right to use the park or piers. The motion was seconded, and it carried unanimously. Additionally, if someone rents property for over 90 days, they have to register with the Board.
Old Business: Dissolution of the Architectural Review Committee (ARC). At the July 2011 Annual Meeting a motion had carried that a vote be taken to dissolve the ARC at the 2012 Annual Meeting. The issue was opened for discussion. Rich Pucci talked positively about the Committee regarding the new house next door to him that was reduced in size on the recommendation of the ARC. Originally, a much larger house was planned. Paula Pezza was also in favor of the Committee and stated that overbuilding causes strains on the infrastructure in any community. Don Getzen, who is a 52-year Manor Resident, said he feels it should retained. The City Planning Commission actually recommended that we put some guidelines together in ’03, to help then assess proposed new construction. The Board approved the ARC in 2007. Don feels that the Manor should have a strong voice and its opinions carry authority in that Manor property taxes make up 4.1% of the City’s taxes. He also made the point that the opinion of the neighbors always is very important with the Planning Commission. He urged members to submit plans to the Architectural Review Committee before building or remodeling. Don said that that ARC doesn’t discourage buyers, but it shows a community interest in preserving the charm and character of the neighborhood. He asked members not to vote in haste. Jim Cooney spoke foe the Matustik family. While he requested that the ARC be dismantled, he also suggested that his brother in law John be invited to join the ARC. Don Rutkowski, formerly on the Planning Commission, said that the ARC exerted a positive influence and that is essential to keep the committee. Dave Williams said that he was in the Maple Park Association in town, and that it definitely had a political and persuasive influence on the Council. Jim Springer reiterated that to do any remodeling here we need a conditional use permit, and the Committee serves in an advisory capacity.
Bob Schorsch was credited for a positive improvement to his home on Lakeview.
Vote was held to eliminate the Architectural review Committee. Thirty-nine voted not to abolish, and Thirteen voted to abolish. The Committee will remain.
Manor Election: Pete moved to close nominations and this was seconded by Marcie Hollmann. As there were only three candidates running for three vacancies, all were elected by acclamation.
Elected: Tom Nickols, Jay Kleiman, and David Frost (by unanimous voice vote).
Pete Peterson made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Marcie Hollman and meeting was ended at 5p.m.
Submitted by Tykee Green